Guido Barbagli (1), Ilgar Akbarov (2), Axel Heidenreich (2), Vahudin Zugor (2), Roberto Olianas (3), Maurizio Aragona (3), Giuseppe Romano (4) , Ulf Balsmeyer (5), Dirk Fahlenkamp (5), Udo Rebmann (6), Diana Standhaft (6), Massimo Lazzeri (7)
“Anterior Urethroplasty Using a New Tissue Engineered Oral Mucosa Graft: Surgical Techniques and Outcomes” J Urol . 2018 Aug;200(2):448-456. Affiliations Centro Chirurgico Toscano, Arezzo, Italy. Clinic and Policlinic for Urology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. Department of Urology, Klinikum Lueneburg, Lueneburg, Germany. Urology Unit, Ospedale Santa Maria alla Gruccia, Montevarchi, Italy. Department of Urology, Zeisigwald […]
Lei Chen (1), Chao Feng (2), Xiang-Guo Lv (3), Hai-Hao Fan (4), Pankaj Joshi (5), Guido Barbagli (6), Yu-Min Zhao (7), Yue-Min Xu (2), Zhe Li (8), Bing Hu (9), Qiang Fu (10)
“Three-Dimensional Computerized Model Based on the Sonourethrogram: A Novel Technique to Evaluate Anterior Urethral Stricture” J Urol 2018 Feb;199(2):568-575. Affiliations Department of Ultrasound in Medicine, Shanghai Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated 6th People’s Hospital, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. Department of Urology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated 6th People’s Hospital, […]